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小学生五年级英语教案格式:What’s the matter?



明确教学目的、任务,体现教学内容的重点、难点,这都是一个优秀的教案应该做到的。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学生五年级英语教案格式,希望帮您写出最符合学生实际的教案。

小学生五年级英语教案格式:What’s the matter?


本节课的核心教学内容是“询问别人情况”。结合句型What’s the matter ?I’m …集中教学表示感觉的形容词tired ,ill, hot ,cold ,hungry 和thirsty。同时还出现了日常交际用语Are you …Why don’t you …此外,在教学感受的形容词时,教师充分利用表情和动作,让学生去理解接受,并通过表演去巩固运用。在教学过程中教师通过电教的现代化手段,在学生预习的基础上,全面开展故事和活动教学。



(1)能正确地听、说、读、写词语hungry, thirsty, ill, tired, hot, cold。

(2)听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter? I’m…











1.能听得懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词hot , cold , ill , tired , hungry ,thirsty 。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter? I’m …

3. 能贴切的形容自己的感觉。


1. 能听得懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词hot , cold , ill , tired , hungry ,thirsty 。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter? I’m …



录音机(带)、PPT、头饰、苹果、苹果树 。


Step 1 Warm up


2.Free Talk

T:Hi,…/Hello,…How are you?

S:Fine,thank you.And you?

T:I’m not fine.I’m ill.

S:I’m sorry to hear that.

T:…Do you like singing?

S:Yes,I do.

T:Boys and girls,do you like singing?


T:Let’s sing a song together.

3.Let’s sing a song

(设计意图:上课开始的对话不仅能帮助学生回忆旧知,也营造了活跃轻松的课堂气氛,使学生带着积极的心态投入到本科学习中,apple tree歌曲为本课学习做了很好的铺垫。)

Step 2 Presentation

T: Look,this is an apple tree.tree(学习tree)There are many bigapples on the tree.Do you like apples?


T:Today let’s read a story about the apple tree.

At first,please read the story by yourselves.(学生读故事)

T: Stop please.Do you like the story?


T:Please try to answer the questions.

1. The story is about the__________and the__________.

2. What’s the boy’s name?

3. What’s the tree’s name?

4. What’s the matter with the boy?(此处是预习回报环节,可以检查学生预习情况)


Step 3 Look,listen and learn

1 )T: Perhaps you’re right.Let’s read the story together.

T:Look,What can you see?

S:A tree.

T:Yes,here is a big apple tree.The tree likes a boy,Mike.Everyday, Mike comes here.Mike is …(此处引导学生读出来Mike is happy.).The tree is…(此处引导学生读出来The tree is happy,too)So,they’re two good friends,Yes?


T:One day,Mike comes to the tree.Listen carefully!(课件音频:What’s the matter,Mike?)matter(学习单词、句型) matter↗ matter↘What’s the matter?(板书)


T:Let’s ask Mike together.  Ss: What’s the matter,Mike?

课件音频:I’m hungry.I’m thirsty. (学习单词、句型) hungry↗hungry↘I’m hungry. thirsty ↗thirsty ↘I’m thirsty.(教师带领学生加上动作表情学习单词、句型,教师板书)

T:The tree says:…

课件音频:Here’s an apple for you. (此处为学过的句型,可引导学生自己说出,教师板书)


2)Work in pairs

T:I’m the tree.you’re the boy.Ok?(教师取出头饰带上,创设情境)


T:What’s the matter,Mike?

Ss:I’m hungry.I’m thirsty.

T:Here’s an apple for you.

T:Good!Now one is the tree,the other is the boy.Work in pairs,please.

…  T:Which group wants to act the dialogue?


T:(学生表演完,老师奖励学生苹果) Here are two apples for you.

Ss:Thank you.

T:You’re welcome.



3)T:Let’s continue to read the story.

T:One day,Mike comes here.Listen carefully.

课件音频:What’s the matter,Mike?Are you ill?  (引导学生说出已学句型What’s the matter,Mike?) ill↗ill↘Are you ill?(学生学习,带有表情的表演,教师板书)

T:Let’s ask Mike together.

Ss: What’s the matter,Mike?Are you ill?

课件音频:I’m not ill . I’m tired.  T: not↗not↘I’m not…(学生有节奏的练习,教师板书)

T: If I’m tired,I need a chair.So the tree says…

Ss:Here’s a chair for you.(引导学生说出)


T:Miss Yan is not tired.I’m ill.But you’re tired,I think.


T:Now let’s play a game.Who wants to come here?(找个学生和老师一起做示范)

3)Play a game:Back to back

规则:同桌背对背,互相说反义句。如:A:I’m hungry. B:I’m not hungry.或A:I’m not ill. B:I’m ill.


(设计意图:课过半,学生略显疲劳,正好学到I’m tired.让学生休息会,做游戏。该游戏既消除学生疲劳、活跃了气氛,也在学生玩的同时熟练地掌握所学知识。)

4)T:Boys and girls,let’s continue to read the story.  One day,Mike comes to the tree again.listen carefully!

课件音频:What’s the matter,Mike?Are you hot?

(引导学生说出所学过的句型What’s the matter,Mike?)

Ss:试着说出Are you hot?

T: hot↗hot↘Are you hot?(学生学习,带有表情的表演,教师板书)

Let’s ask Mike together.

Ss: What’s the matter,Mike?Are you hot?  课件音频:No,I’m not hot.I’m cold.

(引导学生说出所学过的句型No,I’m not hot.I’m…)

T: cold↗cold↘I’m cold(学生学习,带有表情的表演,教师板书)

T:Mike is cold.So the tree says…

课件音频:Why don’t you come here,boy.

T: Please read after me:Why don’t you…(学生学习,带有表情的表演,教师板书)

T:Mike says(课件音频)Ok,my friend.

(引导学生一起读故事)  Ss:Mike is happy.The tree is happy,too.Mike loves the tree.The tree loves Mike too.They’re happy everyday.

T:(总结)Giving is happy!(加上动作带着学生学习此句话)


5)Give a good name to the story

T:Boys and girls,do you like the story?


T:Please give a good name to the story.Think by yourselves.  …

S:Two good friends./A lovely tree./The apple tree and the boy./A lovely boy…

T:So clever. I gave a special name to the story.You know giving is happ y. So I think ‘The giving tree’ is a special name,yes?


T:Read after me ‘The giving tree’(学生学习,教师板书)  T:(情感教育)Giving is happy!Giving is love!Giving is great! (学生学习,带有表情的跟读,教师板书)


Step 4 Consolidation and work in groups

T:Do you like the giving tree?


T:Today the giving tree comes here.

Ss:Ah…  (出示挂满气球苹果的苹果树)

T:Look,is it nice?


T:Giving is happy.You can pick the apples.Who wants to pick the apples?


T:There is an assignment in every apple.Six students make a group and poke the apple.Then finish the assignment.



小学生五年级英语教案模板:My favourite season is spring  


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