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小学四年级上册英语Unit1 Period4教案范文(沪教版)



3. Teach: Learn the sound.

1) Play the flash.

2) Ask Ss to think of more words with the sound.

3) Show the rhyme. 1. To learn: He/ She lives near our school.

1) Look at the map and answer.

2) Read: near

3) Ask and answer.

4) Try to say: He/ She lives near our school. He/ She walks to school every day.

5) Work in pairs.

2. Learn: Look and read

1) Listen and enjoy.

2) Do True or false.

Check the answers.

3) Listen and answer the questions.

Her name is…

She is … years old.

She lives…

She goes to school…

She likes…

She can…

Read the passage.

5) Read and fill in the blanks.

3. Learn: -sk

1) Read : -sk desk mask

2) Say more words. Eg. ask, task, disk…

3) Read the rhyme. 通过学校周边地图,使学生直观了解学校的地理位置,自然引出near,并可根据实际拓展far







Post-task activities 1. Fill in the blanks.

Eg. My ____ is Jill. I’m Kitty’s classmate. I’m ____ years old. I live _____ our school…..

2. Ask Ss to introduce themselves. 1. Fill in the blanks.

2. Use the key words to introduce.

文本再构,以第一人称出现,让学生根据课本内容填空,不仅能检验学生不同人称描述的灵活运用,而且为第二环节自我介绍提供范例。 Assignment Read after the tape.

Use the key words to write about a friend.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级上册英语Unit1 Period4教案范文,希望对大家有所帮助。


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