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人教新起点四年级上学期英语Unit5 lesson6教案怎么写



教案是教师的教学设计和设想。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。下面是为大家收集的四年级上学期英语Unit5 lesson6教案怎么写,供大家参考。

Lesson30 教学内容:Lesson30 ABCDE





教学重点:Part A

教学难点:Part C




Step2 Revision

1) The student on duty report and try to sing in lead.

2) Sing the song .

3) Read the words of Unit5 by flashing cards.

4) Act the story of last lesson in the class.

Step3 Presentation

1) Show the teaching picture, ask them talk about the pictures in groups. Try to understand

their meanings and find out their difference.

2) Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and tick. When finish one sentence,

have a pause. After finishing all, have a check. Check each other. Then in class.

Step4 Let?s say

Let the students say the sentences like this: Don?t run downstairs. It?s dangerous.Don?t climb over the fence. Please use the underpass over there. It?s safe.

Step5 Read ,think and write.

Let the students read the sentences and try to write. Then check.

Step6 Look and write

Let the students look at pictures, then write.

Step7 Say and choose

First let the students observe the pictures and then try to speak out the words. Then choose. At last, check together.

Step8 Summary

In this unit we have learned something about safety and some sentences. Try to master the words and can say the sentences about safety rules.

Step9 Homework

1) Review the words of Unit5

2) Say five sentences about safety rules

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级上学期英语Unit5 lesson6教案怎么写,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Unit4 lesson1教案

四年级英语第一学期Unit3 lesson6教案(人教新起点)


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