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小学四年级上册英语Unit5 lesson5教案封面(人教新起点)



教案都必须要对每个课题或每个课时的各个内容经过周密考虑,精心设计而确定下来,体现着很强的计划性。下面是为大家收集的四年级上册英语Unit5 lesson5教案封面,供大家参考。

教学内容:Lesson29 Part AB





教学难点: 提高学生的阅读能力,逻辑思维能力理和分析判断能力.

教学用具:教学挂图、教学录音磁带、单词卡、头饰 ,服饰.


Step1 Greeting

Step2 Revision

1) The students on duty report the date and the weather in English .

2) Guess the words. What is it? Safe /dangerous/underpass…

3) Let some students introduce something about safety rules.

Step3 Presentation

1) Talk about the picture What do you see in the picture1?(2,3……) Let?s discuss the pictures together. Look: Who is she/he? She/He is …..

Where are they? What are they doing?

2) Discuss in groups Each group has three pictures to discuss together and try to speak the sentences in these pictures.

3) Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.


5) Practice in groups in four. Act in groups First prepare together. Then take their part in group . To train their acting Lesson29 and learn to cooperate.

Step4 Tick or cross

They can finish this part in pairs . At last, check the answers.

Step5 Let?s sing

Play the tape for the students to listen and try to sing the song together.

Step6 Summary

The sentences in the story.

Try to write the vocabularies of Unit5

Step7 Homework

1. Listen to the story, try to read. 2.Learn the words by heart.

Step8 The design of the writing.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级上册英语Unit5 lesson5教案封面,希望对大家有所帮助。


人教新起点四年级第一学期英语Unit4 lesson2教案

小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Unit4 lesson1教案


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