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小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Unit5 lesson1教案设计



编写教案有利于教师弄通教材内容,准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法,更好地组织教学活动。下面是为大家收集的四年级英语上学期Unit5 lesson1教案设计,供大家参考。


教学内容:Lesson25 Part ABC







教学用具:教学挂图、教学录音磁带、单词卡、教学投影片、引诱主线任务的活动卡。 教学过程:

Step1: Greeting:Hello,boys and girls. Let us begin our class.

Step2: Warming up

1. Talk about some pictures to review the words about Unit4.

2. Act the dialogue on page 38.

Step3: Presentation

1.Play the tape for the students to listen. First from the beginning to the end, then listen to the sentences one by one.

2.Listen and number

Play the tape for the students to listen and number the pictures in part A. Then listen again and have a check. Next, check the answers in pairs. At last check in class.

Step4 Practice

1.Let the students read the cards together. Then let them try to read by some individual students.

2.Play a game to consolidate the words.Then read after the sentences in the bubbles.

3.Group work :Divide them into two groups to practice.

One pupil say ,another act.

4.Read the cards not in order. Let the students read alone. Have

a reading match to make more interesting and try to remember the words and phrases.

5.Listen and point One student point, others speak. Then one speaks and others point to practice the words we have learned.

Step5 Let?s chant

1. Play the tape for the pupils,try to understand its meaning.

2. Perform with two dolls to make more interesting.

3. Work in pairs.

Step6 Look and say

1.Listen to the tape and understand the meaning about the dialogue and imitate.

2.Group work :Listen and imitate./Drills/Draw and practice.

3.Show their activities in public and access.

Step7 Summary

1. The main new words of Lesson25.

2. The sentences: Don?t ………../Be careful.

Step8 Homework

1. Listen to L25 at home. Try to say the chant.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级英语上学期Unit5 lesson1教案设计,希望对大家有所帮助。


四年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案(人教新起点)

人教新起点四年级英语上册Unit4 lesson5教案


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