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四年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案(人教新起点)



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Lesson 24

Teaching Aims: To review the language focus in this unit.

Teaching contents: A.Look, Listen and tick

B. Let’s play

C. Read and number

D. Let’s write

Teaching Aids:the tape recorder and the dice

Teaching Steps:

1.Warm up: Look at the pictures and make sentences P40A


Activity A:(1)Look at the pictures

(2)Listen to the tape twice

(3)Tick the right picture

(4)Check the answer

Activity B(1)Read the ten questions

(2)Play the game with your partner

(3)Let’s count:

How many points have you got?

Activity C: (1)Look at the example and find out how to do it

(2)Read and number

(3)Read the sentences you make and chick the answer

(4)Read all the sentences by yourself

Activity D:

(1)Write down the four sentences you make

(2)Check and colour th flags


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


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