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四年级上学期英语Unit4 lesson3教案(人教新起点)



编写教案的繁简,一般是有经验的教师写得简略些,而新教师写得详细些,这样有助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量。下面是为大家精编的四年级上学期英语Unit4 lesson3教案,供大家参考。

Lesson 21

a. Revision

play computer games. Go fishing. Play basketball.

Play baseball. Play soccer


Like to do sth 或like doing sth.表示喜欢做某事

I like to do play computer games. He likes to draw pictures.

I like playing computer games. He likes drawing pictures.

We like to play soccer.

We like playing soccer.

B.学会使用be good at


YaoYao is good at computer games.

Ben is good at fishing.

yaoYao is good at playing computer games.

Like to do 和be good at 的关系问句形式。

Do you like to do sth.? Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t.

Are you good at it ? No , I am not. / Yes, I am.



I like to play computer games and I am good at it. Lily likes to go fishing, but she isn’t good at it.

D. Good at 的否定形式not good at.

She likes to go fishing but she isn’t good at it.

He likes to play computer games but he isn’t good at it.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级上学期英语Unit4 lesson3教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学四年级上册英语Unit3 lesson4教案(人教新起点)

四年级上学期英语Unit3 lesson3教案(人教新起点)


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