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小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Unit2 lesson5教案



教案是教师的教学设计和设想。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。下面是为大家收集的四年级英语上学期Unit2 lesson5教案,供大家参考。

Lesson 11


1,Words: The old words

2,Sentences: The old sentences


1 can read the sentences

2 Sentences

三,Main points:

1 Words: ladder

2 sentences

四,Difficult points:

1 Words

2 Sentences

五,Preparation: cards, recorder, tape

六,Teaching procedure:

Step(一)Warming up

1 Greeting

2 Sing a children song

3 Say a chant

Step (二) Reviewing and Leading into

1 Go over the words and sentences

2 Act out

3 Leading into

Step (三)Learning New Lesson

1 look at pictures and answer these questions

A, What’s this?

B, Where are they?

c. What are they doing?

d. Do they need 2 teams of 9 players?

e. Can they run with the ball?

2 Listen to the tape

3 Repeat the story sentence by sentence

4 Listen to tape again

5 Read to together

6 Check student to read it

7 Pair work

Step (四)Homework

Listen to the story

Recite the words

Step (五)Writing on blackboard

Baskets boxes teams


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级英语上学期Unit2 lesson5教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


人教新起点四年级第一学期英语Unit1 lesson3教案

四年级上学期英语Unit1 lesson2教案(人教新起点)


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