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人教新起点四年级第一学期英语Unit2 lesson4教案



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Unit 2 Sports and Ganmers lesson10

一、 Contents:

1.Words: player, team, score

2,Sentences: I like _____. I often______.

I am good at _______.


1 Sentences:

2 Phonetic symbols: ea

三,Main points:

Sentences: I like ______. I often_______

I am good at _______.

四, Preparation: cards, recorder,

五,Teaching procedure:

Step ( 一) Warming up

1 Greeting

2 Sentence: ask and answer

Step (二) Reviewing and Leading into

1 Go over the words

2 Act out

3 Leading into

Step(三) Learning New Lesson

1 Listen to the tape 2—3

2 Repeat sentence by sentence

3 Teach the words

4 Check the students to read this three paragraphs

5 Match them

6 Fill in the chart

7 Say and write

8 Try to repeat

Step (四) Homework

Recite the words

Step (五) Writing on blackboard

I like ______. I often____

I am gook at__________.


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级第一学期英语Unit2 lesson4教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学人教新起点四年级英语上学期Unit1 lesson4教案

人教新起点四年级第一学期英语Unit1 lesson3教案


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