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小学四年级上册英语Unit2 lesson3教案(人教新起点)



教案都必须要对每个课题或每个课时的各个内容经过周密考虑,精心设计而确定下来,体现着很强的计划性。下面是为大家收集的四年级上册英语Unit2 lesson3教案,供大家参考。

Lesson 9 of Unit 2


1。掌握 “be good at”的一般疑问句问答,巩固有关运动的单词和相关句型。



“be good at”的一般疑问句问答。


(一) Reviewing:

1.Sing a chant.

2.Act and make a dialogue.

(二) introduetion:

Show a picture.

Guess, what sports does he /she often play?

(三) teaching new contents:

1.Ask Ss to read and match.

2.Ask Ss to say sth about themselves.

3.Ask Ss to read B and raise questions.

T helps Ss to understand “Are you good at it ?”, “Yes ,I am .”/ “No, I’m not.”

4.Distinguish the answers of the two diaogues.

5.Ask Ss to read after the tape and make dialogues according to it and to three pictures.

6.Ask Ss to read C to together.

7.Ask Ss to make dialogues according to C and to make sentences: “sb is (not )good at sth.”

8.Ask Ss to write D.


Are you good at sth? Yes ,I’m ./No, I’m not.

Is he/she good at…? Yes, he /she is . /No, he/she isn’t.


Are you good at sth? Yes, I’m ./No, I’m not.

Is he/she good at…? Yes, he/ she is . / No, he/ she isn’t

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的四年级上册英语Unit2 lesson3教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


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