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2014年小学四年级下册英语教案:Hi, Gogo!



【摘要】明确教学目的、任务,体现教学内容的重点、难点,这都是一个优秀的教学设计应该做到的。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了14年小学四年级下册英语教案,希望帮您作出最符合学生实际的教学设计。

一、 Flow-chart:

二、Teaching objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives

Reviewing sentence patterns from Book 2 and two new words ruler, stapler

E.g. “What’s that? It’s a ….” “Is it a…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.” “Who are they? They’re my friends.”etc.

2. Ability objectives

Being able to read the conversation and role-play it. Then talk about simple personal information like name, age, class and things we have. Develop listening, reading and speaking abilities in tasks related in the island.

3. Moral objectives

Being interested in learning. Being confident to tell the information and help each other. Being pleasant to say and listen to each other.

4. Learning—strategy objectives

Being able to focus when studying, to review and learn in groups of four and to understand the conversation,

5. Culture objectives

Knowing some culture tips, like the difference between jet and plane.

Share your happiness to your friends.

三、Teaching key points

Review the sentences we’ve learned in Grade 3 and the new words ruler and stapler. Develop listening, reading and speaking abilities by finishing various tasks.

四、Teaching difficult points

Reading and acting conversation and using comprehensive language.

五、Teaching approach

Task-based approach, communicative approach and situational approach.

六、Teaching aids

PowerPoint, Exercise paper, Book, word cards.

七、Teaching procedure

Step 1 Warming-up and revision

1. Free talk.

What’s your name? How are you? How old are you?

2. Sing a song.

Book, pen, desk, chair.

3. Have a match between the boys and the girls.


Step 2: Presentation

1. Learn about the conversation.

(1)Lead in: What’s that? It’s a bird. It’s a big bird.

Is it a bird? No, it isn’t. It’s a jet.

(2) Part A Let’s guess: Where’s Gogo?

(3)Part B Let’s choose.

What’s that? Where’s Gogo? Who are they?

(4) Let’s read.

(5) Show time!


2. Fly with Bing to an island.

(1) Lead in: They’re very happy. They’re flying and singing. “My name’s Gogo.”T: Oh, an island!

Wow, there are many things on the island.

(2) What can you see?

I can see…

【设计意图:根据课文Gogo和Bing邀请Tony和Jenny一起飞,他们非常开心,边飞边唱歌,学生学习完课文后可以得到开心的休息,他们一起飞到一个文具王国的岛屿,遇到很多文具朋友,从而学习单词与句子。鼓励学生用句子I can see….说完整的话语,为下文的口语上的练习作准备。】

(3) What’s that? It’s a ruler. / a stapler.

pencil, pen, pencil case, pencil sharpener, a pair of compasses

A: Hi, what’s your name?

B: My name’s _______.

A: Look, what’s that?

B: It’s a ______. What’s that?

A: It’s a _______. Bye.

B: Byebye!


Step 3 Practice

1. Part A Let’s guess: Where’s Gogo?


2. Part B Let’s choose.

1) What’s that? It’s a _____. A. bird B. jet

2) Who are they? They’re my ______. A. brother and sister B. friends

3) Gogo’s ______ the bird. A. on B. in


3. Let’s read!

Show time!





四年级下册英语教案:What do you want to do


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