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苏教牛津版三年级上学期英语Unit2 lesson2教案模板



师领读,生跟读“What colour?” “Red.” 然后小组→个人



(幻灯片4:a green car 幻灯片5:a yellow car 幻灯片6:an orange car

幻灯片7:a white car 幻灯片8:a blue car  幻灯片9:a black car

幻灯片10:a brown car)

2 Look and learn

1) Open the books and listen to the tape.

2) Read after the tape.

3 Ask and answer出示一幅彩色的汽车图画进行指问。(幻灯片11)

T: What colour?

S: Yellow/ Black…

师生问答 → 生生问答

C Consolidation(约15分钟)

1Game“Look and match” (幻灯片12-13)

Look at the screen and match the pictures with the right words, then say the colour out. If he is right, he can get a star which has the same colour.

2Game“Look and say” (幻灯片14-22)

Look at the colourful plate. When it stops, the students should say the colour. If he is right, he can get a star.

3 Game“Look and guess” (幻灯片23-24)

1)Look at a nice umbrella’s shadow. It has many colours. Guess. (幻灯片23)

2)Check the answers. If he is right, he can get a star.(幻灯片24)

D Assign homework(约1分钟)(幻灯片25)



以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的三年级上学期英语Unit2 lesson2教案模板,希望对大家有所帮助。


苏教牛津版三年级上学期英语Unit1 lesson4教案范文

三年级上学期英语Unit1 lesson3教案格式(苏教牛津版)


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