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三年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案(人教新起点)



教案的设计要合理地组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。下面是为大家收集的三年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案,供大家参考。


Lesson 24

一、 教学目标:

1通过学习制作三明治, 在学习语言的同时,培养学生的动手能力和学习兴趣。2.以一至三单元的内容为核心,检测学生的口语综合表达。








1Part A; Choose and write.

T: What are these?

S: Bread, tomatoes, chicken ,egg, beef, cheese

T: I want bread, beef, tomatoes, and cheese for my sandwich.

What do you want for your sandwich?

S: I want… for my sand wich.

T: Write down the food for your sandwich.

2.Part B: Listen, repeat and do.

1) Look at the pictures.

2) Learn to say: cut put.

3) (Point to the first two pictures)

T: Cut the bread. Put the beef on the bread.

( Point to the other pictures)

S: put the chicken on the bread.

Cut the bread.

Put the cheese on the tomato.

Eat the sandwich.

listen and number

Make a sandwich.

3.Part C: Let’s talk

A Talk about yourself.

Name: Age: School: Class: Teacher: My favourite thing: B: Talk about your body:

T: I have two big eyes. One nose, one mouth.

I have long hair,…

What do you have?

S: I have…

D:Talk about your food.

T: I Like to eat beef. Apples, carrots and rice.

What about you?

S: I like to eat…

T: what animals do you like?

S: I like…

T: which season do you like?

S: I like… I can…

T: What sports do you like?

S: I Like…

4.Write the letters on the book.

5.Homework: Talk about yourself, your body and your food.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的三年级英语第一学期Unit4 lesson6教案,希望对大家有所帮助。


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