教案是教师为顺利、有效地开展教学活动而进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书,是上好一堂课的必备。下面是为大家收集的三年级英语上学期Unit4 lesson1教案,供大家参考。
课题 UNIT 4 Revision 课型 review
Knowledge Target: Review the knowledge in Unit 1 2 3.
Technique Target: Use the sentences in those units.
Emotion Target: To let the students know the importantof revision.
重点难点 To listen and say the words and some sentences.To read and write letters, spell the words.
教学方法 TPR Game Communication
Lesson 19
Train Train Go
A. Let’s sing.
1.Listen to the tape.
2.Follow the tape together for several times.
3.Call volunteers to sing in front of the class.
B. Listen, say and write.
1.Teacher says the sentences in English with actions then students tell the meaning.
2.Look at the book and fill in the blanks.
C. Let’s play.
1.Write the words on the blackboard.
2.Teacher points the word then students say the sentence quickly.
A. Play a sorting game.
Play the game by the way of Train
Train Go.
B. Make a food list for lunch.
Students make food list by them-selves. Then talk about it.
C. Read and write.
Read the words then fill in the blanks.
Ⅲ. Homework.
1. Listen to the tape and follow it.
2.Do exercises book.
以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的三年级英语上学期Unit4 lesson1教案,希望对大家有所帮助。
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