教案是根据教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体。下面是为大家收集的三年级英语上册Unit2 lesson2教案,供大家参考。
Lesson 8
Teaching contents:
学习字母l, m , n, f, x, z, s的音形义
Teaching focus:
Teaching difficulties:
hurt 的发音
Teaching props:
the picture of doctor
the picture, the word card and the letter card of part C
Teaching procedure:
reiew the chant of lesson?
describe about the body
listen and show the pictures of the parts of body
一、part A
teacher breaks her arm by the desk and say: “Oh! My arm hurts.”
and breads the foot carelessly and say: “Oh1 My foot hurts.”
listen to the recorder and know the chant.
listen again and teacher shows them the parts and acts
read after the tape.
open their books and number the pictures.
learn the chant together.
review the chant in groups.
二、Part B
1.role play
teacher and a student give an example:
■What’s the mater? –My finger hurts.
■Let’s go to the doctor.
●(teacher puts the picture of doctor on the board)
2.A to B. B to C. C to D…
3.ask and answer freely.
三、Part C
1.the way to learn is same to last lesson.
以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的三年级英语上册Unit2 lesson2教案,希望对大家有所帮助。
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