l Wallpictures 3A
l Workbook 3A page 17
l Sketch plan of our school.
Prepare a simple sketch plan of the location of the rooms and facilities in our school.
Pre-task preparation:
A. Use the sketch plan of our school (or draw the plan on the board) to discuss the location of the rooms and facilities in our school. Students at the stage will be becoming familiar with the layout and geography of our school.
1. Play the tape. Introduce: school; classroom; hall; toilet; office; playground; library, using the wallpicture. Listen and repeat.
2. Ask What’s this? to elicit: It’s the …
3. Listen to the tape again.
4. In pairs, practice: point, ask and answer on page 25. Invite individuals to come out to the wallpicture to ask What’s this? Is this a/the…? to elicit: It’s a/the … or No, it’s the …
While-task procedure:
1. The students identify and label copies of our sketch plan or more able students may draw and label their own plan of our school. Display some of the sketch maps on a display board.
2.Workbook page 17
a. Read the vocabulary in the information box.
b. Ask the questions
c. The students read and write the words in the correct dialogues.
At this stage Grammar Practice Book 3A page 23 practices and consolidates the language learned on this page.
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