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教案是教师的教学设计和设想,编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了三年级上册2单元第一课时教案希望对大家有所启发!


一、Teaching contents

1. Vocabulary.

2. Target.

3. Song.

4. Activity 1.

二、Teaching procedure

Step One: Warming-up.

1. Greetings.

2. 激活学生已有知识。

T: What's this? S1: It's a book.

板书What's this? It's a _______ .

Step Two: Presentation.

1. Song

(1) Sing the song.

T: Do you know what's this?

Let's listen a song first.


Sing after the teacher/ tape.

Sing the song together/ in groups/ …

(2) Learn from the song.

T: Can you tell me what's this now?

Ss: Yes! T: OK! Let me ask you.

分别出示book, pen, desk, chair, ruler, table, pencil的 实物,引导学生用 “what's this?

It's a _______.用以上方法学习并板书: What's this? It's a __________

Step Three: Practice.

1. Game to consolidate: Show some pictures of the words. Ss try to say out their names quickly.

2. Activity 1.


A: What's this? B:It's a book

(2) Finish Activity 1.

3. Target.

(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny meet in the classroom. What happened? Let's see.

(2) Watch the video for twice.

(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences.

(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.

(5) Read in groups of three.

(6) Act out Target. Step Four: Extension.

1. Model dialogue: (走到一学生面前)T: Hello! S1: Hi!或Hello!

T: What's this? S1: It's a _____ T: And this? S1: It's a _____ T: Goodbye. S1: Bye.

2. (Show the dialogue on the ppt.) Pair work.

3. Ask some groups to act out.

4. To recognize words(a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler) and spell the words.

Step Five: Summary and Homework.

1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there's time, read it.

2. Give the homework.




最新版外研社三年级上册教学设计:what's this  



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