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教案是教师对一节课的整体设想,创造性的教学设计,严谨、科学、有序的教学策略,能够有效的提高教学效率。因此,威廉希尔app 为各位老师准备了三年级上册英语2单元第三课时教案,希望可以帮助到您!

一、Teaching contents

1.Practice 2

2.Activity 2,3

二、Teaching procedure

Step One: Warming-up.

1. Greetings.

2. 激活学生已有知识。

(1) Play the role of the story

(2) Guess the words

Step Two: Presentation.

1. Practice 2

(1) Pair work

T: What's this?

Ss: It's a pencil.

T: Yes. Let's ask each other.

(2)Show time.

2.Activity 2

分别出示Picture 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 的图片,让学生猜。

S1:What's this? Ss: It's a _______. S2: What's this? Ss: It's a _______.

 用以上方法学习并板书: What's this? It's a______.

3. Activity 3

(1)Guessing words in the class.

( 2 ) Guessing words in the group.

Step Three: Practice1

1.Do practice <学习辅导>P6 一 Listen and number.

2.P7 三

Step Four: Extension.

Model dialogue: <学习辅导>P10 十 A: Hello. B: _____________

A: I'm Lucy. What's your name?

B: Nice to meet you. A: What's this?

B: _____________ A: And this? B: ______________

A: Goodbye. B: ___________ (Let the Ss do pair work)

Step Five: Summary and Homework.

1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there's time, read it.

2. Give the homework.




人教(PEP)三年级上册教学设计《We love Animals》 



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