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优秀的教案对于提高课堂学习效率和促进教学发展都有重要的影响,为此威廉希尔app 搜集了开心版小学英语三年级上册教案,希望对您有所启发!

一、Teaching contents


2.Practice 1

二、Teaching procedure

Step One: Warming-up.

1. Greetings.

2. 激活学生已有知识。

T: What's this?

S1: It's a book.

T: Yes. And who can think the song? Oh ,so many students can sing.

Let's sing it together.

Ss sing the song.

板书What's this? It's a_______

Step Two: Presentation.

1. Story

(1) read the story.

T: Do you know who are they?

Ss: Gogo, Jenny

T: Yes. What happen? Let's see.  Play the video twice.

(2)Answer the questions T:What's this in the picture 1?

S1: It's a book. T:What's this in the picture2?

S2:It's a pencil. T:What's this in the picture 3?

S3: It's an apple.

(3) Retell the story according to the picture?  分别出示picture 1, 2, 3, 的图片,引导学生复述故事。

用以上方法学习并板书: What's this? It's a book. What's this? It's a pencil. What's this? It's an apple.

(4) Ss read after the Teacher.

Step Three: Practice1

1. Do practice 1

2. Pair work: Ss play the role .

Step Four: Extension.

1. Model dialogue:

T: Hello! S1: Hi!或Hello! T: What's this? (出示苹果的图片)

Ss: It's an apple T: What's this? (出示橙子的图片)

Ss: It's an orange T: what‟ this? (出示大象的图片) Ss: It's an elephant

T: what's this? (出示昆虫的图片) Ss: It's an insect. T: what's this? (出示雨伞的图片)

Ss: It's an umbrella. 总结元音字母 a, e, I, o ,u ,强调 an用在元音字母前表示一个

2.Do practice <学习辅导>P9

Step Five: Summary and Homework.

1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there's time, read it.

2. Give the homework.







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