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摘要:教案是教师的教学设计和设想,编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书。从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。威廉希尔app 准备了开心版小学英语三年级上册教案:unit3第一课时,希望对大家有所启发!


一、Teaching contents

Conversation, song

二、Teaching procedure

Step One: Warming-up.

1. Greeting

2. Chant “what's this”

3. Review

T shows the pictures of dog, cat, duck etc. ask

Ss: What's this?

Step Two: Presentation.

1. Teach the new sentence: Is this a „? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

(1) T has Ss listen to the sound (Media) and guess the animals.

T: Is this a duck? (Repeat) S1: Yes, it is. Then T asks the other Ss the same question.

Let Ss pay attention to “ Is this a …?”, teach the sentences. Repeat this section with “Is this a …? No, it isn't.” T uses the structures to help Ss understand “Yes, it is. No, it isn't.”

(2) Practice the sentences Game: Guess the flash picture (ppt)

2. Teach the song

Is this a dog? Divide roles to sing.

3. Conversation

(1) T draws Gogo on the board, have Ss guess. T tells Ss that Gogo is going to draw something too.

(2) Watch the video of the conversation

(3) Have Ss read the conversation silently

(4) T shows the pictures(bird, dog, Boomer and cat) and asks Ss Q: Is this a „?

(5) Ss read the conversation after T, and then T reads after Ss.

(6) Act out the conversation in two a group, check out one group.

(7) Groups share the conversation, one group act, and the other group has to listen carefully and give comment.

Step Three: Practice.

1. Practice the sentence T draws a very small portion of an animal T: Is this a dog? Let Ss guess,

have Ss use the sentence to ask T. Use this activity to teach the new words: bird, very good.

2. Exercise: Listen, ask, answer and tick. Divide Ss into A and B, give them sheet A and B. Ss have to listen to partner's questions to answer and tick the answers.

Step Four: Extension. Share a short story about Gogo, sheep and wolf (media).

Step Five: Summary and Homework.

1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If there's time, read it.

2. Give the homework.

结尾:威廉希尔app 准备了开心版小学英语三年级上册教案:unit3第一课时,希望对大家有所帮助!


小学三年级英语教案设计全英版unit3 Period three


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