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新课标小学三年级英语教案Module8 Unit2



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新课标小学三年级英语教案Module8 Unit2










1.单词卡片 (where, in , bag, red, yellow, blue, green, black )

2. 课件

3. 实物: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser,yellow bag, red bag, green bag,

学具:blue bag, black bag, orange bag, purple bag.


让学生通过学习本课知识,学会结合实物运用“Where’s the …?Is it in the …? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t”,进行语言交际。

六、Teaching procedure

Step 1: Warm up and revision

1) Greeting with students

2) Sing a song: [唱歌能使学生感到松弛、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。活跃课堂气氛,调动学生情绪,激发学习兴趣,创造学习英语的轻松环境。


T:what’s this?

S: It’s a bag.

T: What color is it?

S: It’s yellow It’s a yellow bag.

T: It's my birthday.look,here's my present,look ,What's this?

T: I don’t know.I don’t know?

T:板书:Is it a ...?

S: Is it a pen? (Is it a pencil?)

T: No, it isn’t.(Yes, it is.)

[结合实物复习上节课的Is it a pen? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t句型,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习了大量的词汇,有利于学生掌握本课内容,为下一步学习做好铺垫。]

Step2: Presentation

1)、Teach the new word :bag

T: (出示一个实物yellow bag) What’s this? (板书bag)


2)、play a game : look and say(课件依次出现yellow bag green bag red bag blue bag)

T: What’s this? S: It’s a yellow bag. (并板书yellow green)


3)、Teach the new word : “in”

T:(出示一个实物green bag)what’s this?

S:It’s a green bag.

T: What’s in the green bag?(板书:in the)

Read :in the yellow bag in the green bag

T: What’s in the green bag? Please guess!

S: Is it a cat? (Is it a dog?)

T: No, It isn’t. /Yes, It is

[用学生喜闻乐见的guessing game引出新单词”in”,让学生在真实的情境中理解新单词的意思,并理解它的用法。]

4)、Teach the new word:” Where” and the new sentences: “Is it in the yellow bag?”

T:good job! Now I have two bags in different colors and a toy cat. Close your eyes

( put the toy cat in the green bag.)

T: Look , the cat is missing . where’s the cat?(板书课题)

Read:Where Where (边读边配上相应的动作)。

Where’s the cat?(板书:猫在哪里)

Read together:where’s the cat?

where’s the cat? Is it in the yellow bag?(板书Is it)

Read:Is it in the yellow/green/red/black bag?

T: Where’s the cat?

S: Is it in the yellow bag?

T: No, it isn’t.Yes, it is. (It’s in the green bag.)


5)、play a guessing game.

T: What’s this? S: It’s a dog.

T: Please close your eyes,(师把dog放在其中一个袋子里。)

Who can ask?

S1: Where’s the dog?

T: Who can answer?

S2: Is it in the yellow bag? No, it isn’t.Yes,it is.(It’s in the yellow bag.)


Step3: practice

1)、Do pair work

请同学利用手中的pen pencil book和yellow bag green bag和黑板上的句型同桌两个作对话。




2)、Ask and answer


S1:Where’s the book?

S2: It’s in the red bag.



Step 4: Assignment

1)Listen to the tape of Module8 Unit2 three times and repeat.

2) Play the guessing game with your parents.

结尾:以上是一篇新课标小学三年级英语教案Module8 Unit2,请继续关注威廉希尔app !




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