5. T: Your chant are nice. Let's play a game. Boys and girls, close your eyes. Please guess: It has a big nose. It's an elephant.(在这个游戏中,注意只让学生摸到动物的一两个部位)
S1: (Guess) It has a long mouth. It has small eyes. It's a duck.
T: Yes. So, Open your eyes. Let's say together.
S2: It has short arms. It has a big body. It's a panda.
T: No.
S3: It has... It's a...
6. T: So many animals here. And there are also many animals in the circle. What are they? Let's read together:
Ss: It has big ears.
T: Guess, What is it?
Ss: It's a...
T: Let's go on.
Ss: It has small eyes. It has four short legs. It has a fat body. It has a long tail.(课件逐句出现)
T: What is it?
Ss: It's a...
T&Ss: It says: Mew. Mew.
Ss: Cat. Cat.
T: Another one.
Ss: It has a small nose. It's has a small nose. It has a big body. It has small eyes. It has big ears. It has a long tail.
S1: dog/ squirrel/...
Ss: It's small. It's white.
T&Ss: It's a mouse.
Ss: It has a small nose. It has a big mouth. It has a big face. It has a long tail. It has small eyes and small ears. It has long arms and long legs. It likes peaches.
S1: It's monkey.
7. T:(CAI)Look at the cat. The cat is sad. Can you guess why?
S1: The cat... (很多学生都用中文来表达)
T: Because the cat can't find his mother. Look, let's read together.
Ss: Hello. Are you my mother?
T: Let's help the cat.
Ss: OK.
T: (CAI: rabbit) Is she the cat's mother?
Ss: No.
T: Guess. The rabbit says...
Ss: ...
T: Look!
T&Ss: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.
T: So, I'm a cat. Who wants to be a rabbit?
S1: (带上头饰)
T: Hello. Are you my mother?
S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.
T: Practice in pairs. Look. Who's coming?
Ss: A dog.
T: Yes. The cat says...
Ss: Hello. Are you my mother?
T: (带上头饰)Hello. Are you my mother?
S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a big nose.
S2: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a long tail. It has small eyes.
T: Let's read together.
Ss: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a big nose and a long tail.
T: Now, look, the cat meets...
Ss: A monkey.
T: Yes, a monkey. Can you act it out?
S1: Hello. Are you my mother?
S2: No. Your mother is cat. It has small eyes and big ears.
T: Hello. I'm a cat. Who wants to be a rabbit? Who wants to be a dog? Who wants to be a monkey? Hello. Are you my mother?
S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.
S2: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.
T: The cat is so happy. Why?
Ss: The cat finds his mother.
T: OK. Let's read together.
Ss: Hello. Are you my mother? Yes, come on. My baby.
T: Let's get in groups of four. Act it out.
以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的小学3年级英语教案:Do you like...,小编真诚地希望我们每一位教师能实实在在教课程,轻轻松松的学习;每一课都能陪伴孩子们度过一段幸福快乐的时光!
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