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3年级小学英语教案范文《This is my father 》



组织课堂教学是一门艺术,能否吸引学生是上好一堂课的先决条件,教师只有在教学中不断提高自己的教育教学素养,不断实践总结,才能更好地驾驭课堂,达到最优最佳的教学效果。威廉希尔app 编辑了3年级小学英语教案范文《This is my father 》,欢迎阅读!

一、teaching content 1.c: look and say :“good morning /afternoon …

this is …,hi, …

nice to meet you ,…

nice to meet you ,too .

2.d: fun house :    listen and judge.

二、teaching aims

1.the student can introduce their  family  members to others

2.the student can talk in english .they like to speak in english.

三、teaching important      the student can introduce their  family  members to other

四、teaching difficult

the student can talk in english .they like to speak in english.

五、teaching prepare

word-card  picture  tape-recorder  teacher’s family photos

六、teaching presentation

step1: warming up

1.greetings and sing a song



play a game: show the picture (friut) 分四个小组比赛

(1)  说单词,老师在屏幕上迅速点击,学生看着出现的图片抢答。(既正确又快速者为赢,积累得分,高分为胜。)

(2)  指单词,教师一边说单词,几名学生在屏幕前指认水果图。


3.free talk

t: hello, what’s your name ?

s: hello, i’m …

t: good morning / afternoon …

s: good morning /afternoon …

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you.


step 2: presentation

1.老师拿出许多头饰,指着其中一个说:“this is mr green. this is …” (接着让学生往下说,复习巩固对人物的认识。)

2.老师带着miss li的头饰和一同学对话

t: good morning /afternoon, …

s: good morning /afternoon, miss li.

t: nice to meet you

s: nice to meet you , too.



step3. practice

1. 老师出示家人的照片,用“this is my…”这个句型一一介绍自己的家人。接着让学生拿出准备好的照片,介绍自己的家人。

2. now open your books and turn to page 22, let’s do a practice.

3. 老师请几位学生到讲台上,带上头饰,进行对话练习。

t: good morning /afternoon, ….

s1: good morning /afternoon, …

t: this is my father /mother/ sister/ brother, …

s2: nice to meet you, …

s1: nice to meet you.

4. 把学生分成三人一组,模仿刚才的对话,进行练习。

step4. consolidation

1.  look at the screen , now please practice with your partner.

2.  act it out.

step5. homework

1. listen to the tape and read after it three times about a learn to say  and b look and learn .

2. practice with your partner with these sentence

good morning /afternoon, …nice to meet you, …

this is …nice to meet you, too

hi / hello,

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的3年级小学英语教案范文《This is my father 》,小编真诚地希望我们每一位教师能实实在在教课程,轻轻松松的学习;每一课都能陪伴孩子们度过一段幸福快乐的时光!


小学英语教案范文《三年级上We love animals》 

小学三年级英语教案模板《It's nice》  

英语教案范文小学三年级上《Unit 2 Look at me》

三年级英语教案格式《Unit 5 How are you? 》 


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