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(人教版新起点)小学二年级英语上册Unit 2 Friends教案



step 4. practicing (操练)

Look at the book on P10 (学生观察)

Look at these pictures “Is she tall or short?”


The chant that is in the teachers’ book

Teach the students my chant:

Simon says I am big, I am big, I am big.

Simon says I am thin, I am thin, I am thin.

Simon says I am tall, I am tall, I am tall.

Simon says I am short, I am short, I am short.

Simon says I am pretty, I am pretty, I am pretty.

Simon says I am ugly, I am ugly, I am ugly.

But I am not ugly.

Game “Guessing”

T: I have a friend. He is tall and he is wearing a black T-shirt. Who is he?


step 5. summary (小结)


应该会用HeShe is…加上这些新学的形容词向别人描述你的朋友

step 6. homework (家庭作业)

Copy new words

Listen to the tape and repeat

Tell your parents what your friend is like.(写出朋友特征并画出画像或找到照片)

这就是为大家分享的二年级英语上册Unit 2 Friends教案,希望能够切实的帮助到大家,同时希望大家生活愉快,工作顺利!


人教版新起点小学英语二年级上册教案:Unit 1 Family 


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