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二年级英语上册Unit3 Lesson1教案设计(北师大版)



教案的设计要合理地组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。下面是为大家收集的二年级英语上册Unit3 Lesson1教案设计,供大家参考。

Lesson 1


①知识目标:Who’s that? That’s … . He’s from … .

②能力目标:Listen, look and say.


⑵教学重难点:Know the meaning of the contextual.


1. Warm-up

Practice greetings.

Review the structures This is … and This isn’t … . Use the masks.

2. Model the dialog

Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge. Stand at the side of the room. Choose one child to be your helper. The helper points to each mask in turn. For each mask you ask, “Who’s that?” Model the answer. That’s ….

Repeat for other five masks.

3. Introduce new characters

Display the Cathy and Tommy masks on the other side of the room. Encourage the children to ask, “Who’s that?” and reply, “That’s … .” repeat for the other mask.

Have the children ask and answer the question in pairs.

4. Talk about the story

Have the children look at the pictures carefully and answer these questions:

Who’s that?

What are they doing?

Who are the new friends?

What happened to Mocky?

5. Story

Now play the tape. At the end, explain that we say Oh! Poor Mocky! Because he fell down. Poor here means “unlucky” or “unfortunate”.

Give the word in Chinese for Ouch!

Ask the children to repeat the phrases with plenty of expression, “Oh! Poor Mocky!” “Join us.” and “Ouch!”.

Play the tape twice more. At the end, encourage the children to say, “Oh! Poor Mocky!” “Join us.” And “Ouch!” each time.

6. Homework

Try to act out the conversation with your partners.

7. 教学反思

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的二年级英语上册Unit3 Lesson1教案设计,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学二年级上册英语Unit3 第三课时教案格式(苏教版)

苏教版二年级上学期英语Unit3 第二课时教案模板


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