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沪教版二年级上学期英语Unit1 Lesson3教案格式



Ss read after T.

T: What’s this?

S4: It’s a box.

(T draw a pencil)

T: Where’s the pencil?

S5: It’s in the box.

T: Very good. It’s in the box.

Ss repeat.

2)T: Where’s the window? (T draw a window on the board.)

S6: It’s on the blackboard.

T: Yes, well-done.

Ss repeat.

T draw other objects to practice the prep ‘on’.

3) T take out one book and a ruler. Put the ruler under the book. Then ask ‘Where is the ruler?’

S7: It’s under the book.

T use other things to practice the prep ‘under’.

2. To teach the instructions:

T: Where’s Miss Shen?

Ss: You are in the classroom.

T: Yes, I am in the classroom.

And where is ***?

S8: He/She is in the classroom. (T remind)

To teach three preps use the objects and the actions.

Ask and answer.

To teach the new instructions by ask and answer.


而新的内容是通过上面部分教授的介词来继续的,这样比较顺手,学生也容易接受。在此过程中通过真实场景 T: Yes, he/she is in the classroom. Now, please tell me, where do you live? Suzhou or Shanghai?

Ss: Suzhou.

T: Ok, read after me, I live in Suzhou.

Ss repeat several times.

T: I love Suzhou. Do you love Suzhou?

Ss: Yes, I love Suzhou.


Post-tast activities

Listen to the tape and follow .

1. Give each Ss a sheet of paper. Ask them to draw a picture of the place they live in. Listen and repeat one by one.

They must say ‘I live in …’ when they are drawing. 通过听录音来纠正学生在朗读是所犯的错误。

通过边画边说的方法来让学生练习。 Ask them to say something about their pictures by using the sentences ‘I live in… , I love ….’ And tomorrow they will to share.


I live in …

I love ….


以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的二年级上学期英语Unit1 Lesson3教案格式,希望对大家有所帮助。


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