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精编二年级英语Shapes and clothes教案



Step 1: Review

Review the letters that students learned in the previous lesson(g,j,p,q,y). Review the entire alphabet in the correct order.

Step 2: New Concepts

1. Students pointing first to the picture of the appropriate item,then to the words ,and repeat the words with you.

2. Who remembers Danny said? Which items of clothing has green circle?How many triangles are in the dress? How many triangles are there all together on page 62? Disscuss briefly,or simply translate ,then move on.

3. Hve the class notice how these shapes are used to form articles of clothing . Each time ask the class:Who can tell me what this word says. Craft :encourage your students to make whatever they like using different kinds of shapes.

Step 4: Use the activity book

Page 62-63.Ask them to guess how many circle there are. Count circles.

Tell the correct answer.

Ask the m how many triangles there are .

Repeat with the shapes.

Step 5: Ending

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