玩,是学生们的天性,是学生们的乐趣所在,要想他们取得良好的教学效果,必须有效的组织课堂教学。威廉希尔app 编辑了二年级英语上册教案《Wash with water》,欢迎阅读!
能正确掌握句型turn on the tap. wash your towel. turn off the tap.
能正确运用句型turn on the tap. wash your towel. turn off the tap.
step1 songs and rhymes
step2 revision
1.t:what can you do?
s:i can…
t——s s——s
2.introduce your room. i have a room. there is a bed in my room. there is bookcase in my room.
there are some books on the bookcase. there are two maps on the wall, a map of china and a map of the world. there are some cabinets in my room.
3.t:spotty can run. i can run, too. i like to run. ann, let’s go to run.
step3 presentation
1.t:what’s that? light.
s repeat.
t: turn on the light. turn off the light.( let the students know the meaning of “turn on and turn off”.)
s repeat.
3.t:(出示图片tap,并做动作)turn on the tap.
s repeat.
t: where can i find a tap? when do i turn on the tap?
4.t:(出示脏的毛巾,并做动作)wash the towel. wash your towel.
s repeat.
t: turn off the tap.
s repeat.
step4 consolidation
play a game” simon says.” check the students can distinguish “on” and “off”.
wash your face. open your mouth. drink some water. eat some cake.
step5 homework
1、listen to the tape and repeat for several times.
unit5 wash with water
light turn on the light.
turn off the light.
tapturn on the tap.
turn off the tap.
towel wash your towel.
本文来源于威廉希尔app ,希望二年级英语上册教案《Wash with water》可以对您有帮助!
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