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小学一年级英语上册《Unit 8 Revision》第二课时教案(人教新起点)



教案的设计要合理地组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。下面为大家分享一年级英语上册Unit 8 Revision第二课时教案,希望对大家有帮助!


1.Learn to the new dialogue.

2. Review the words about the fruits.

3.Let's say.


To motivate the Ss to speak English correctly



Key points and difficult points Do you like…? Yes, I like sweet bananas.




卡片, 挂图, CAI


Step 1.Warming up


Say hello to all the Ss.

2) Watching video clip

T sings along and does action.

T: Can you follow me?

Step 2. Procedure

“Hello, boys and girls. Please sit down.”


Let someones say the colors and which color is his favourite.

Sing the chant

Let them find out the colors in our classroom.

(2)New contents

Listen to the tape and learn the song:

Red, red

Please stand up!

Please stand up!

Let the boys and girls sing the song alone and see which group sing better.

Open the books and find out how many bird/cats/dogs/ducks are there In the picture and write the number on the book.

The three sentences are very important. Let them remember well.


Ask the students to remember the new things that they’ve learned in this class. Students’ Activity

Ss say hello.

Ss watch the video and follow the T.Ss say the colors and say the color they like best.

Ss try to find out the colors in the classroom.

Ss Listen to the tape and learn the song:Ss sing the song

Ss Open the books and find out how many bird/cats/dogs/ducks are there In the picture and write the number on the book.

教案是教师的教学设计和设想,以上是为大家分享的一年级英语上册Unit 8 Revision第二课时教案,希望能够切实的帮助到大家!


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