1.teaching aims: ss can use nouns to identify parts of the body.e.g.eye, mouth2teaching aids: tape recorderlanguage skills speakingpronounce words in an utterance by recognizing stress.3teaching period: 3 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. show a paper cut-out of a boy’s head and say i have a head here but there is something wrong. tell me what is missing. stick the head on the board and let ss answer in their mother tongue.2.hold up a paper cut-out of an ear and say ‘ear’.repeat and point to your own ear. encourage ss to copy. choose a student to come up and stick two ear paper cut-outs onto the head.3. repeat step2 using paper cut-outs of eye,mouth and nose.4.point to the cut-out face and your own face to introduce ‘face’.point to individual ss and emphasize ‘face’.encourage ss to repeat ‘face.’ while-task1. stick the word cards for ‘face’, ‘eye’, ‘ear’, ‘mouth’and ‘nose’ around the paper cut-out head. draw lines to match the corresponding words and features. 2. read the words and get the ss to repeat after you.3. open the ss book to page19. play the casstte tape and allow ss to follow orally until they are familiar with the words. ask the ss to point to each picture as it is being read out.4. put the cut-outs of the facial features into a bag.let individual ss pick one out and say in english what it is.if the answer is correct, the ss can stick it on the head on the board.5. continue step4 with other students. post-taskteach a rhyme about body parts:touch your eyes,and touch your toes.touch your ears,and touch your nose.say the thyme with action and encourage students to follow you. student say. individual ss do the action. stick paper cut-outs onto the head. student repeat and do the commands. ss draw the lines to the corresponding words and features. student repeat. student listen to the tape and follow it. individual ss pick one out and say in english what it is. ss stick it on the board. student read the rhyme.. student follow 利用图片,使学生更形象的认知单词,比较直观,使学生乐学,好学。 给学生组合图片的机会,激起兴趣,使他们在愉快中学习。 让学生建立起单词音、形、义之间的联系。 检查学生的认读情况。 让学生在听的同时,指出相应的图片,使学生建立起音,形之间的联系。 通过各种不同的游戏来来测试学生认读单词的情况,在游戏中学习。 相互操练的形式,锻炼学生口语的表达能力。激发学习的兴趣。
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