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一年级英语上册第四单元教案: My bag



T: Ask pupils to answer the questions.

3.T: Ask the pupils to listen and follow the teacher.

a) Sit down, please.

b) Put it down.

c) Show me your book.

d) Open your book

e) Close your book.

f) Show me your pencil-box.

g) Open your pencil-box.

h) Show me two pencils.

i) Close your pencil-box.


While-task procedure

1. Song“A pencil ”

2. Introduction : This is a book.

3. Open books and read A Learn to say .


What is it?This is a …..

(Tape and recorder)

1.Enjoy the English song to elicit T: Show the object to pupils

2.T: Ask pupils to follow and repeat T-Ps( Passing game)

3: T: Ask pupils to pass the apple and say “This is a book ” one by one

4. T: Ask pupils to describe “book”


What is it?Guessing game(guess the word)

通过提供的一年级英语上册第四单元教案这些经典的教学案例,我相信会对怎么写教学设计,怎么教学会有更进一步的了解。了解更多相关内容,请锁定威廉希尔app !


一年级英语上册第三单元教案:This is my mum  

一年级英语上册第二单元教案:Good morning


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