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教案是教师对一节课的整体设想,创造性的教学设计,严谨、科学、有序的教学策略,能够有效的提高教学效率。威廉希尔app 为各位老师准备了二年级英语上册unit1教案,希望可以帮助到您!


过程与方法 任务驱动法,游戏法,人物扮演法 情感,态度与价值观 在本课时的教学中,学生通过扮演相应的家庭角色唤醒学生的责任感,体会父母,兄妹之爱。




Step1 Greetings & Free talk

T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls.

T: Nice to meet you. / How are you?

T: ⑴ Today is Sept…, 2007. What day is it today?

⑵ What’s the weather like today?

⑶ Can you say something about your family? How many persons are there in your family? Who are they? Who do you love best? S: There are …in my family. I love my …best.

Step2 Presentation

T: Boys and girls. Let’s look at these picture. Tell me who she/he is.

S: She is…/ He is… (brother, sister)

T: Now, it’s your turn. Can you ask me using the same question?

S: Who is she/he?

T: She is …/ He is…

T: Look, this is my family photo. Do you want to know who they are?

S: Who is she? /who is he?

T: She is my mother. / He is my father.

T: So you can say “She is your mother./ He is your father.

Step 3 Consolidation

⑴Fill in blankets PPT: I’m baby. She is my mother/ aunt… He is my/ your father/ uncle…

⑵ Introduce your family Shopping the kids’ family photos’. Everybody should say several sentences.

Step4 Homework

Draw a picture. (Just like the family photo) Say something about the picture

以上是威廉希尔app 为老师们提供的二年级英语上册unit1教案相关资料教案参考资料,更多参考尽在威廉希尔app !





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