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就快期中考试了,同学们该如何复习呢?建议同学们多背诵重点知识,多做题。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了二年级英语上册期中必考句型,希望能够 帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。


1. This is my family. I have a happyfamily.

2. Who’s he? He’s my dad.

3. My mom is an engineer. My dad is adoctor.

4. An apple for you, dad. –Thanks a lot.

5. That’s mine.= That’s my +名词.

6. What is he like? He is tall.

7. We are classmates. We are friends.

8. I’m from Canada. I’m from America.

9. There is a monster. He is Monkey.

10. I’m sorry. –That’s OK.

11. There is a lake in the park.

12. What can you see in the picture? I cansee ducks.

13. How beautiful!

14. Let’s take a picture. Let’s go. Let’sgo boating.

15. Stand on the bench.

16. What a beautiful park!

17. Is Yaoyao pretty today?

18. This is my grandma. This is ….

19. This is a taxi.

20. Where are you going? –I’m going to thesupermarket.

21. By taxi? No, by bus. By subway.

22. Don’t play in the street.

23. Where is the subway station? It’s nextto the bus stop.

24. I’ve got an idea.

25. Have you been to the Summer Palace?Yes, I have.

26. Here is a present for you. –Thank you.

27. Merry Christmas, mom. –You, too.

28. Happy Spring Festival! –The same toyou.

29. Let’s take a taxi.

30. I’m in Sydney. I’m in Toronto. I’mhappy in Beijing.

31. We wish you a merry Christmas and ahappy new year.

热点推荐:二年级期中试卷及答案 |  二年级期中复习要点

希望提供的二年级英语上册期中必考句型,能够对大家有用,更多期中考试相关信息,请及时关注威廉希尔app !




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