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学习是一个循序渐进的过程,需要同学们不断的学习和努力。威廉希尔app 提供了英语二年级上单词加句型知识点,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。


表示衣物T-shirt T恤衫, clothes 衣服, trouser 裤子, shoe 鞋

表示称谓mum 妈妈, dad 爸爸, grandpa 爷爷外公, grandma 奶奶外婆, brother 哥哥弟弟, sister姐姐妹妹

表示科目English英语, Math数学, Music音乐, PE体育

表示吃饭 breakfast早餐, lunch午餐, dinner晚餐

表示行为 get up起床, go to school去上学, have lunch吃午餐, go to bed上床睡觉, watch TV看电视, go to work去上班

表示节日Spring Festival春节、Dragon Boat Festival端午节、Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节、Children's Day儿童节、National Day国庆节、New Year's Day新年, Christmas圣诞节

表示季节spring春天, summer夏天, autumn秋天, winter冬天

表示天气hot热, warm暖和, cool凉爽, cold寒冷

表示形状 big 大,small小,long长,short短

表示交通工具ship船, plane飞机


song歌曲, jigsaw拼图, bike自行车, toy玩具,too太, at在, party聚会,

We我们, have有, please请, play玩, o'clock点种, film电影, time时间, run跑, train火车, hungry饥饿的, half半小时, weekend周末, read读, come来, with和......一起, OK好, listen听, then然后,play玩,say说,poem诗歌,class班级,dance跳舞,picnic野餐,fly放(风筝),sleep睡觉,how怎样如何, by乘坐, walk步行, on holiday度假, ship船, China中国, plane飞机New Year新年, eat吃, hair头发, Christmas圣诞节, sing唱


Who is this?

It's Daming's mother/father/grandma.

Who are these?

Sam isn't tiding his room.

Are you doing your homework?

What's the time?

It's 2 o'clock.

What are you playing?

We're playing catch.

They are listening/ reading/writing/playing.

I like the ABC song. It's my favorite song.

Do you like dolls? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

What do you like? I like jigsaws.

Sam likes T-shirts.

He likes this T-shirt.

Amy likes dresses.

She likes this dress.

We have English in the morning.

Do you have …?

I like PE. PE is my favorite subject.

I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

I have breakfast at half past 7.

She goes swimming.

Does he play football at the weekend? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

What do you do at the weekend? I play football.

Where you play football? At he park.

How do you go to school? I walk to school.

How does your father go to work? He goes to work by bike.

Happy New Year!

We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.

We have Christmas in England.






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