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英语的应用越来越广泛了,我们必须好好来学习英语知识。对此威廉希尔app 小学频道编辑为大家整理了小学二年级英语重点知识点之新标准第八册句子。详情如下:

1.What do you want? 你想要点什么? I want a hot dog,please.请给我一个热狗.

2.How much is it? It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.多少钱?十三美元二十五美分.

3.What are you going to study?你们将要学什么?

4.What do you want to eat?   I want a hamburger,please.你想吃点什么?请给我一个汉堡.

5.We're going to have a picnic in the park.我们将要去公园野餐.

6.When are we going to eat,Mum? At half past twelve.我们将要什么时候吃饭,妈妈?十二点半.

7.It's time to say goodbye now.现在该说再见了。

8.What are we going to do now? We're going to walk around the lake.


9.Look!The ducks are eating our picnic.看!这些鸭子在吃我们的野餐.

10.Look!It's going to rain soon.看!天要下雨了.

11.It's going to snow in Harbin.哈尔滨将会下雪.

12.In this photo,the sun is shining.这张照片阳光明媚.

13.The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上唱歌.

14.We can write in English and we can always be friends.


15.I had a very funny day on Saturday.星期六我过了非常有趣的一天.

16.I miss everyone in China.我想念中国的每一个人.

17.I am looking out of the window.我正在向窗外看.

18.Now the train is coming to the station.现在火车正进入火车站.

19.I'm making Daming' birthday card. 我正做大明的生日贺卡.

20.Where's your mum? She's at the supermarket.你妈妈在哪?她在超市.

21.She's buying things for your birthday party.她正在买你生日的东西.

22.Who can help me? I can help you ./ Sorry,I can't.


23.The balloons are flying away.气球正在飞走.

24.The apples are falling down the stairs.苹果正从楼梯上掉下来.

25.Daming is having a birthday party.大明正在开一个生日聚会.

26.He is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.他正吹小号,这时电话响了.

27.I'm really excited.我真兴奋。

28.He's riding his bike, but it's starting to rain.他正在骑自行车,这时天下起了雨.

29.She's eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.她正在吃晚饭,但是电话响了.

30.I bought you this book about America. It looks interesting.


31.Who gave it to you?Simon's family gave it to me.谁把它给你的?西蒙的家人把它给了我。

32.What's it about?它是关于什么的?

33.This America spaceship took a man into space.这架美国宇宙飞船载着人飞入了太空。

34.Russia sent the first animal into space.俄罗斯是第一个把动物送到太空的国家。

35.China sent a man into space in this spaceship.中国用宇宙飞船载人飞入了太空。

36.In October 2003, Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.


37.Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.


38. He made a video and now he is very famous. 他录了像,现在他名声大振。

39.We're going to speak Chinese there.在那儿我们将要说汉语

40.Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.在英国许多孩子在学汉语。

41.He saw his father in space and he was very proud of him.


42.She wrote a book about herself.她写了一本自传。

43.Helen Keller became blind and deaf.She couldn't see and she couldn't hear.


44.Later she could read and write. 后来她既能读书又能写字。

45.She went all over the world.她去了世界各地。

46.I'll miss you,too.我也会想你的。

47.Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.


48.What's the the matter?Why are you laughing?怎么了?你们为什么笑?

49.Why have you got cups on your heads?你们为什么把杯子戴在头上?

50.We're going to have a baseball team .我们打算组建一支棒球队。

51.I wanted you to bring the baseball caps.我想让你带棒球帽。

52.It's easy to make mistakes with English.学英语很容易出错。

53.I often make lots of mistakes with Chinese.我在(学)汉语方面经常出错。

54.Why are you wearing a raincoat?Because it's going to rain.你为什么穿雨衣?因为要下雨了。

55.We are going to go to middle school this September,Daming?今年九月我们就要上中学了。

56.Are you going to go to middle school this September?今年吗?九月你要上中学了









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