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也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了外研版英语小学二年级上册练习题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


1.What do you like? I like _____ .

A.panda B.pandans

2.She ____ this T-shirt.

A.likes B.like

3.Here’s a shirt ____ you.

A.to B.for

4.It’s ____ small.

A.two B.too C.to

5.Sam likes this ____ .

A.car B.cars

6.What does she like?She ____ cars.

A.like B.likes

7.Do you like this clothes? Yes,I ____ .

A.do B.does

8.Does Amy like shoes? No,she____ .

A.don’t B.doesn’t

9.Sam’s ____ a party.

A.in B.at

10.He ____ like it.

A.don’ t B.doesn’t

11.She likes ____ shoes.

A.this B.these

12. ____ name is Fangfang.

A.She B.Her

13.We have Maths ___ the afternoon.

A.at B.in

14.Do we have Music ___ school?

A.to B.at

15.This ___ my flute.

A.are B.is

16.We have English ___ the moring.

A.in B.at

17.Look ___ my shool bag.

A.at B.in

18.What’s ___ time?

A.an B.the C.a

19.I ___ jigsaws.

A.like B.likes

20.I go to school ___ 8 o’clock.

A.in B.at

21. ___ the time? It’s 2 o’clock.

A.What’s B.What

22. ___ Amy like English?

A.Do B.Does C.Is

23.What does Fangfang do ___ the weekend?

A.in B.on C.at



小学二年级上册英语5单元阅读练习 (人教版)  



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