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由威廉希尔app 为您提供的最新小学二年级英语同步练习,祝您学习愉快!

4.Listen and match(听音,连线)(10%)

⑴ table   ?????? ? on the bed

⑵ apple  ? ? on the sofa

⑶ lamp ? ? on the floor

⑷ doll ? ? on the chair

⑸ bag ? ? on the table

5.Listen and fill in the blanks(听音,填入所缺单词)(6%)

This is my ______ . There is a bed and ______ table in it. ______ the table, there is a ______ and a book. On the bed, there _______ a doll and a bag. What a nice room. I ______ my room.

6.Listen and tick (听音,在表格内打勾) (6%)

jump run sing dance swim write





1.Look and underline the vowels (找出元音字母,在它下面划线)(6%)

C D I M    g i n e    J E N H    f o p u

2.Fill in the blanks (写出下列字母的左右邻居) (!0%)

⑴ __ d __ ⑵ __ __ Y ⑶ g __ __

⑷ __ __ w ⑸ __ T __

3. Read and circle (圈出不同类的词) (5%)

⑴ door window bed fly

⑵ rubber pencil orange book

⑶ hen room elephant sheep

⑷ sweet apple jelly sofa

⑸ sheep cow goat lamb

4.Read and choose(选择正确的内容,将字母编号填入括号内)(7%)

(   ) ⑴     your chair, please.

A. Open B. Close C. Clean

(   ) ⑵ The bag is     the bed.

A. at B, in C. on

(   ) ⑶ There is     elephant in the zoo.

A. a B. two C. an小

以上就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的最新小学二年级英语同步练习,希望您阅读愉快!


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