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23. Jackson ( talk, talks, talking ) in his sleep every night.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (5*2 = 10marks)

24. are hide-and-seek The children playing



25. home John at reached eight o’clock



26. his family and live small Mr Tan in a town



27. stared at They other in each disbelief



28. can Tom be handle trusted to this



Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

chew people poisoningingredients


particular tastemuch harmful

Almost all food can be (29) _________ without any cooking at all. Most (30) _________ eat (31) __________ fruits and vegetables in salads. Japanese, in (32) _________, like raw fish. However, some foods are (33) _________ softer and easier to (34) __________ if they have been cooked. They may also be easier to (35) __________. Thorough cooking also kills (36) __________ bacteria that might cause food (37) __________. Cooking often involves (38) _________ many different (39) __________ together. This can make food look and (40) ________ better.

Comprehension MCQ (16 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

The leopard, found in the jungles of Asia and Africa, belongs to the cat family. It is thought to be the most dangerous animal of its family. This is especially so because dogs are part of its selection of food. Though smaller in size, a leopard is equally strong compared to a lion or a tiger. It can carry the body of a dead animal twice its own weight.








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