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笔试 (50)

六 按顺序默写26个大小写字母   15%

七 写出下列词的同类词   12%

1  pizza  ________    ________  ________

2  pencil  ________   ________  ________

3  red   ________    ________   ________

4  one   ________    ________   ________

八 选择正确的答案,将编号写在前面的括号内 10%

(   ) 1   ______ do you live ?

A  How   B  Where  C  What

(   ) 2  I _____ seven .He _____ eight.

A  is…is  B  is…am  C am…is

(   ) 3  Give me ____ apple and ____ lemon.

A  an…a   B  an….a  C a…a

(   ) 4  My sister _____ my pizza.

A  has     B  have    C is

(   ) 5  What _____ you do ? I can dance.

A  do     B  can     C  are

(   ) 6  May I ____ a dress?

A  has    B  have    C  am

(   ) 7  Have ___ orange.

A  a      B  an      C  some

(   ) 8  I like to eat _______

A  a biscuit  B  biscuit   C  biscuits

(   ) 9  I live ___ Guangzhou.

A  on     B   in     C

(   ) 10 Sweep the _____ .

A  floor   B  chair   C  desk

九 根据所给情景,判断下列句子 正确的用 " T " ,错误的用" F " 表示 10%

1  你请朋友喝汤,可以说

Have some soup .        (   )

2  你问新同学几岁,可以说

How are you ?          (   )

3 你想知道同桌有没有新书包,可以问

You have a new bag.      (   )

4 你想买一个冰激凌,可以说

May I have an ice-cream ?  (   )

5 你想说你爱北京,可以说

I love Beijing.           (   )

十 读句子,选出正确的答句  5%

(   )  1  How are you ?

A  I am five.       B  I am fine.

(   )  2  Is she a teacher ?

A  Yes, she is.      B  Yes,he is.

(   )  3  Give me a rubber.

A  Here you are     B  Here I am.

(   )  4  Happy birthday !

A  OK.           B  Thank you .

(   )  5  What have you got ?

A  I like the dress.   B  I have got a dress.








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