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5) 来和我一起游泳吧。

(        ) A. Come and sleep with me.

(        ) B. Come and swim with me.

9. Read and answer(读问题,选答案) ---1'*10=10'

(        ) 1) Where do you live?

A. I live in Su Zhou.          B. I love Su Zhou.

(        ) 2) Do you like to sing?

A. Yes, I can.                B. Yes, I do.

(        ) 3) May I have a hot dog?

A. Yes, you can.              B. Ok. Here you are.

(        ) 4) How do you go to Nan Jing?

A. I get in the car.             B. I go by car.

(        ) 5) What do you like?

A. I like noodles.              B. I see noodles.

10. Choose and fill(选择填空) 1'*10=10'

1) I live __________ ( A. to   B. in) Shang hai.

I love__________ ( A. in    B. 不填) Shang hai.

2) Come and play ___________ ( A. off    B. with ) me.

3) __________ ( A. What    B. How ) do you go to the park?

I go to the park ____________ ( A. by    B. in ) bus.

4)  _________ (A. Sleep    B. Sweep ) the floor, please.

5)  _________ ( A. Can    B. Do ) you draw?     Yes, I can.

6) I like _________ ( A. to    B. with ) write.

7) May _________ ( A. I     B. we ) have a pizza.

8) My dog __________ ( A. have    B. has ) my hot dog?

Key to the listening

1. 1) bin     2) park    3) swim     4) car     5) Coke

6) train    7) bus     8) hotdog    9) sleep   10) juice

2. 1) C  sweep     2) B   plane     3) B   dish     4) A   water

5) A  biscuit     6) A   road      7) B   bin      8) B   pizza

9) C  face       10) C   noodles

3. 1) road    2) taxi    3) sweep    4) water    5) biscuit

6) van     7) train   8) play      9) bin     10) building

4. 1) B     Clean the door, please.

2) B      I like to run.

3) A      I live in Bei jing.

4) A      How do you go to the park?

5) B      Get off the ferry.

6) A      Have some juice.

7) B       We go to Shang hai by train.

8) B       I like to sleep.

9) B       Come and draw with me.

10) A       Where do you live?








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