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III. 听录音,圈出正确的应答句:(10%)

1. A. I live in Beijing.    B. I’m from Beijing.

2. A. I’m five.              B. I’m fine.

3. A. Yes, I am.            B. Yes, I do.

4. A. It’s a square.         B. It’s blue.

5. A. I hear a bird.          B. I see a bird.

VI. 听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示:(10%)

1. I can see a panda.              (  )

2. Look at the chick. It’s yellow.      (  )

3. The lamp is on the bed.          (  )

4. A rubber is on the desk.         (  )

5. Clean the desk, please.         (  )

VII. 听录音,连线:(10%)

1.                              big and brown

2.                              fat and pink

3.                              small and thin

4.                              black and white

5.                              tall and grey


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