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四、 请将下列句子连线 ( 10分)

A What’s your favorite season? I go to school everyday.

What time is it ,please? Summer.

What can you see in the picture? It’s 1:20.

What do you do everyday? I watch Tv at 8:30.

When do you watch Tv? I seee a tree in the picture.

B It’s a sunny day. It’s time for lunch.

It’s 11:40. Let’s play on the swing.

It’s 5:30. How can we get some?

It smells good. It’s time for supper.

It’s 7:40. It’s time for school.

五: 写出下列句子的汉语意思。( 14分)

1.Don’t worry.

2. I eat breakfast at 7:30.

3. Stop playing,monkey.

4. At 5:30, after school.

5. It’s time for bed.

6.Sixty minutes in an hour.

7. Twenty four hours in a day.

8. It’s 10 o’clock now.

9. It’s time for English class.

10.50 plus 10 is an hour.


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