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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了二年级英语暑假作业习题,希望对大家有用。

Writing Part

一、 Read ,write and match . ( 读读,写写再连线 )

1、This is an pple.

2、It’s a all.

3、Look ! What a big uck .

4、This is my at.

5、That‘s an gg.

二、 Look ,find and write .( 看一看,找一找,写一写 )

三.Look ,read and judge .

1、She has short hair .( ) 2、He is very strong .( )

3、It has big eyes .( ) 4、It has big ears .( )

5、She is a quiet girl .( ) 6、It has a small mouth .( )

四.Read and choose .( 读一读,并选择 )

1、 I’d like some

A: cire B: reci C: irce D: rice

2、 I‘d like some and

A: beard , fish B: dreab , fihs C: bread, fish D: bread , hish

3、 I’d like some

A: chckeni B: chicken C: ckichen D: hicken

4、I‘d like some .

A: dbrf B: feeb C: beef D: febe

5、I’d like some and

A: mlik , chicken B: milk , chicken C: mkil ,cicken D: mlik ,ckichen

五.Look and match .( 看一看,连一连 )

father mother

Papa mom dad mommy daddy mama


Look ,read and find .( 看一看,读一读,找一找 )


1. She is tall and thin . She has long hair and big eyes .She likes music .

Who is she ? She is

2. He is my friend . He is strong . He has a big nose and a big mouth . He likes sports .

Who is he ? He is .

3. She is a Chinese girl . She has short hair and a small mouth . She is quiet .

Who is she ? She is .

4. He is my best friend . He has big eyes and ears . He likes computer games .

Who is he ? He is .

Read and circle .( 读一读,圈出不同类的单词 )

e.g. desk chair chicken bed window

1. mother father brother sister teacher

2. vegetable beef fish room milk

3. board wall music teacher‘s desk light

4. computer game long hair science painting sports

5. pencil-case Chinese book English book math book notebook

6. schoolbag story-book pencil pen ruler

7. teacher student baseball player girl farmer

8. bathroom kitchen school living room study

9. phone shelf fridge family table

10. uncle brother parents aunt home






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