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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了二年级英语下册11-12暑期作业练习,希望对大家有所帮助和练习。

一 Write ( 正确写出下列单词的中文意思 。)

1. school uniform     2.  come on    3.Turn on the light, please.

二.Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子。)7%

1.Let us have a race.              2. What are these?

三.Read and circle ( 圈出不同类的单词。)

1.  take        go         dirty         look

2. mouth      eye        milk          nose

3. five        ten        green         forty

4. dogs       hats       book          cakes

5. desk       cat        rooster       duck

6. square     dot        vest          circle

四.Read and circle the correct word.( 圈出正确的单词.)

1. ( Tunr, Turn, trnu) the tap , please.

2. ( This, Hist, Thsi ) is our classroom.

3.I have a (lemon, melon, nelom ). It’s sweet.

6. There are (fourty, forty, fouty ) boys in my class.

7. Today is ( Sundsy,Sandy,Sunday ). We have no school.

8. Clean the ( classoomr, roomclass, classroom).

五.Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

( ) 1. These ____   snakes.

A . are   B. is

( ) 2. What’s this?  It is _____.

A. books      B. a book

( ) 3. Go and take  ____ bath.

A. a   B. the

( ) 4. Can your aunt dance? _______

A Yes, she can.  B Yes, he can.

( ) 5 It’s seven. I must go ____ school.

A  on    B  to

( ) 6 A: How are you?       B: _________.

A. Fine, thank you.         B. Five, thank you.

六.True or false. (阅读下列短文,用T, F表示。)

Today is Sunday. We have no school. We are in the park. Look! The monkey is little and brown. Look at the tiger. It’s yellow and black. Look at the bear. It’s big and brown. I like the panda. It’s white and black.

(    ) 1. Today is Sunday.

(    ) 2. We are in the classroom.

(    ) 3. The big tiger is white.

(    ) 4. The bear is yellow and black.

(    ) 5. I like the panda.



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