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威廉希尔app 小学频道小编最新搜集了小学二年级英语作业的内容,请关注“小学二年级英语下册单元暑期作业”!

一 Write ( 正确写出下列单词的中文意思 。) 1.take an umbrella 2. no smoking 3.speak English 二.Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子。)

1.Excuse me ,sir. 2. May I have an apple, please?

三. Read and circle ( 圈出不同类的单词。) 1. Sunday Sue Monday Tuesday 2. five fine beautiful tall 3. he you she must 4. rabbit yo-yo dog cat 5. spell copy clean classroom 6. pear eat orange banana 四.Read and circle the correct word.( 圈出正确的单词.) 1. ( Sllep, Spell, Lspel) the word , please. 2. Don’t (shout, shotu, shtou ) in the classroom. 3.I have a (ingr, ginr, ring ). It’s nice. 3. There are (eighteen, eihtgeen, eighteen ) boys in my class. 4. Today is (Thusrdya, Thrusday, Thursday ). We are at school. 5. Here we are. Let’s get off the (bsu, sub, bus ). 五. Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案) ( ) 1 I need two _____. A .circles B a circle ( ) 2 How much is thirty minus ten? _____ A Twelve. B Twenty. ( ) 3 Don’t smoking here, please. _______ A I’m sorry. B Thank you. ( ) 4 Is that your aunt? _______ A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is. ( ) 5 It’s seven. I must go ____ school. A on B to ( ) 6 A: Come on, Hong Wei. B: _________. A O.K. B Bye-bye. ( ) 7 This is ____ umbrella. A. a B. an 六.True or false. (阅读下列短文,用T, F表示。) I’m Sam. I’m a boy. I can jump and climb the tree. I have a big bag. It’s blue. I have a friend. It’s Spotty. It’s a dog. It’s white and black. It can jump and run. ( ) 1. Sam and Spotty are friends. ( ) 2. Sam has a red bag. ( ) 3. Spotty can climb the tree. ( ) 4. Spotty is black. ( ) 5. Sam can dance. Unit 11-12 一 Write ( 正确写出下列单词的中文意思 。) 1. school uniform 2. come on 3.Turn on the light, please.

以上就是威廉希尔app 小学频道编辑为同学们整理的“小学二年级英语下册单元暑期作业”,祝同学们学习顺利,天天向上!






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