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【编者按】威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大朋友编辑了“少儿英语小故事:小兔子找家”,具体详情请进入完整版下载!

Rabbit has grown up.

"There are too many rabbits in this hole! It is time to leave the nest. I am going to find my own home," the oldest rabbit says.

Rabbit decides to look in a different hole.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Mouse.

So, Rabbit hops into the forest. He looks into another hole.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Squirrel.

Rabbit looks for a new hole, one he can call his own.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Ground Hog.

Rabbit is sad. He cannot find a home. Rabbit does not see Eagle flying high in the sky.

At that time, the beautiful White Rabbit saw Eagle. "Quickly, come inside!" she shouts.

"Thank you so much. You have saved my life!" Rabbit says. "You're welcome," White Rabbit answers.

"What a roomy hole you have! I wish I had a hole like this!" he says. Rabbit was surprised by how big the hole was.

"I am alone in this big hole. Why don't you stay here with me?" White Rabbit asks. "Thank you. I will stay here. Now, I have found a home!" says Rabbit.


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