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小学二年级英语上册Module 6-7测试题



  Module6—7 (test4) 班级__________________ 姓名___________________
  1.m____ nk____y 2. ____ose 3. _____r____ ____ge 4. pr_____nce
  5.___ueen 6. ____a___ n 7. j____g
  A. get up B. very C. watch D. time E. plays F. big G. does H. name I. about J. have
  1. What’s the _______, Mum ? 2. I’m ______ hungry 3. I ______ at 7 o’clock in the morning 。
  4. My ______ is Tingting .5. Is it a _______ city ? 6. ______ he listen to CDs ?
  7. _____ a good weekend ? 8. I like football . And I _____ TV。
  9. How ______ Amy ? 10. He ______ the drums 。
  三、用in , at ,with 填空:3`
  1. I go to school _______8 o’clock . 2. We have English ______ the morning .3. Sam’s _______ party
  4. What do you do _____ the weekend ? 5. Do you want to play ______us ? 6. I live _______ Beijing 。
  1. What do you do at the weekend ? A. No, he doesn’t 。
  2. Does he play the flute ? B. I go swimming 。
  3. Where do you play football ? C. Yes, I do 。
  4. Do you play basketball? D. She watches TV 。
  5. How about Amy ? E. At the school 。
Get up
Go to school
Have English
Have Musice
Have lunch
Go home
Have dinner
  A ___ C E ___ G ___ I ___ ___O___ ___ W ___
  ___ q ___ u ___ w ___ s ___ t ___ v x ___ z


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