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(新加坡小学)英语二年级PRACTICE 8练习题及答案



Primary 2 English
Practice 8
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. She had a fever.
7. He/She is playing with his/her favourite toys.
8. His potion did not work.
9. are
10. Are
11. wakes
12. make
13. smoking
14. borrow
15. works
16. many
17. is
18. brush
19. much
20. have
21. mine
22. have
23. talks
24. The children are playing hide-and-seek.
25. John reached home at eight o'clock.
26. Mr Tan and his family live in a small town.
27. They stared at each other in disbelief.
28. Tom can be trusted to handle this.
29. eaten
30. people
31. raw
32. particular
33. much
34. chew
35. digest
36. harmful
37. poisoning
38. mixing
39. ingredients
40. taste
41. D
42. A
43. C
44. C
45. A
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. Milk was stored as cheese.
50. Brie is a type of soft cheese.
51. It is made by adding rennet to milk.
52. Fresh cheese is made by heating milk with lemon juice or vinegar.
53. They are yaks and buffaloes.
54. They are vitamin B complex, vitamin A, O and E.
55. It contains the same amount of calcium as a similar quantity of bread and
nearly as much as the same amount of milk.
56. Hard cheese contains more calcium than soft cheese.




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