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( ) 1. The bell is for you.

A. Thank you. B. All right.

( ) 2.Some milk, please

A. Here you are. B. It’s a cake.

( ) 3. Merry Christmas!

A. Merry Christmas! B. Happy New Year!

( ) 4. What are those?

A. They’re flowers. B.It’s a bean

五、 将单词的汉语意思写在相应的横线上。

1. nurse________ 2. chair________ 3. bread________4. gift________ 5. T-shirt________ 6. table________7. sweet________ 8. sofa________ 9. cook________10. sweater________ 11. milk________ 12. desk________13. chocolate________ 14. hot dog________ 15. rice________16. doctor________ 17. worker________ 18. skirt________19. coat________ 20. juice________ 21. bell________22. card________ 23. hamburger________ 24. cake________25. teacher________


( )1.当你想知道这个东西是什么时,可以问__________

A. What’s this? B. What’s that?

( ) 2.当你指着夜空的月亮叫别人看时,可以说__________

A. Look at the sun. B. Look at the moon.

( ) 3.当你想要来个汉堡时,可以说__________

A. A hot dog, please. B. A hamburger, please.

( ) 4.当你想把礼物送给朋友时,可以说_________

A. The gift is for you. B. The card is for you.

( ) 5.爸爸叫你穿上外套,可以说__________

A. Put on your coat, please. B. Take off your coat, please.

( ) 6.爸爸叫你脱下毛衣,可以说__________

A. Take off your sweater, please. B. Take off your coat, please.

( ) 7.你想请别人吃香蕉,可以说__________

A. Have some bananas, please. B. Some bananas, please.


1. What’s this? It’s a ________(potatoes / potato)。

2. What are these? They are ________(tomatoes / tomato)。

3. Those are ________(butterfly / butterflies)。

4. What’s this? It’s ________(a / an) ant.

5. ________(Put / Take) off your sweater.

6. ________(Clean / Close) the chair, please.

7. The chocolate________ (is / are) for you.

8. Look at the bright ________(moon / gift)。

9. ________(Have / 不填) some milk, please. Here you are.

10. ________(Have / 不填) a hamburger, please. Thank you.



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