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A.I play football at the park. B.I live inDalian. C.I go to Shanghai by plane.D.I like jigsaws. E. I listen to CDs at the weekend.F. No, he doesn’t. G.It’s one o’clock.H.Yes, we do.

( )1. What do you like?

( )2. Do we have Music?

( )3. What’s the time?

( )4. What do you do at the weekend?

( )5. Does he play the flute?

( )6. Where do you live?

( )7. How do you go to Shanghai?

( )8. Where do you play football?


1. read books 2. watch TV 3. have lunch 4. go to bed5. go swimming 6. go home



( )1. Do you like doll? _________

A. Yes, I do.   B. Yes, I don’t.

( )2. We get up ________.

A. at 6:30   B. in 6:30

( )3. She________ to work by bike.

A. go   B. goes

( )4. He ________ this T-shirt.

A. likes   B. like

( )5. ________ Tom go to school by car?

A. Does   B. Do

( )6. What do you do at the weekend? ________

A. At the park.   B. I play football.

( )7. I________the ABC song.

A. like   B. likes

( )8. How do you go to Beijing?

A. By plane.   B. Thank you.

( )9. Does your mother go swimming ________Sundays?

A. on   B. at

( )10. He goes by bus ________ his mother.

A. and   B. with


1. What do / does he do in summer?


2. She goes swim / swimming .


3. Here’s a I-shirt for / of you.


4. We do / don’t wear sweaters in summer.


5. Are these for my hair / hairs ?


6. Come and play with / of us tomorrow.





Hi, I’m Panpan. I’m 9. I get up at 6 o’clock. Then I go to school at 7 o’clock. I go to school by bus. I have Maths at school. I like Maths.I have lunch at 12 o’clock. I go home at 5 o’clock. I play football at the weekend. I play football at the park.

( )1. I’m Tingting.

( ) 2. I get up at 7 o’clock.

( ) 3. I go to school by car.

( ) 4. I have Maths at school.

( ) 5. I play football at the weekend.



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